Bürgenstock Conference 2024

Welcome to the website of the 57th Bürgenstock Conference that will take place at Hotel Waldstätterhof in Brunnen, Switzerland, from April 28 to May 2, 2024. After some special editions from 2020 to 2022 due to the Corona pandemic we went went back to the standard format in 2023 with 105 senior und 15 JSP participants. This will also be format for 2024.  

The ‘SCS Conference on Stereochemistry’, better known as ‘Bürgenstock Conference’, is an outstanding international chemistry meeting of high scientific quality, with an optimal setting for intense inter-disciplinary discussion.

From 1965 to 2008, the venue of the conference was the Bürgenstock-Resort above the lake of Lucerne in Switzerland. Since 2009, the meetings have moved to another beautiful location on the shores of Lake Lucerne: the Seehotel Waldstätterhof Brunnen.

Stereochemistry is the principle underlying our understanding of the processes of life and the properties of matter at the molecular level. It is a key element not only in all chemical disciplines, but also in modern molecular biology, molecular medicine, biophysics, and material design. Accordingly, the ‘Bürgenstock Conference’ has grown over the years into a multi-disciplinary conference where frontier science is being discussed. Lectures cover many areas of chemistry and relevant highlights from neighboring disciplines.

Former Bürgenstock Conferences

Previous Presidents & Conference Programs

2023Prof. Erick M. Carreira, CH, DProgram 2024Photos 2024Website BC24
2023Prof. Alois Fürstner, DProgram 2023Photos 2023Website BC23
2022Prof. Janine Cossy, FProgram 2022Photos 2022Website BC22
2021e-Bürgenstock: Presidents meet Young Fellows Program 2021
Website eBC21
2020no ConferenceCancelled due to COVID-19
2019Prof. Véronique Gouverneur, UKProgram 2019Photos 2019
2018Prof. Ilan Marek, ILProgram 2018Photos 2018
2017Prof. Bert Meijer, NLProgram 2017

2016Prof. Paul Knochel, DProgram 2016

2015Prof. Antonio Togni, CHProgram 2015

2014Prof. Antonio M. Echavarren, EProgram 2014

2013Prof. Luisa De Cola , IProgram 2013

2012Prof. Andreas Pfaltz, CHProgram 2012

2011Prof. J. K. M. Sanders, UKProgram 2011

2010Prof. E. P. Kündig, CHProgram 2010

2009Prof. B. L. Feringa, NLProgram 2009

2008Prof. D. Hilvert, CHProgram 2008

2007Prof. S. Z. Zard, FProgram 2007

2006Prof. B. Kräutler, AProgram 2006

2005Prof. A. Krief, BProgram 2005

2004Prof. H. Waldmann, DProgram 2004

2003Prof. J.-E. Bäckvall, SProgram 2003

2002Prof. L. Addadi, ISRProgram 2002

2001Prof. A. Vasella, CHProgram 2001

2000Prof. J. F. Normant, FProgram 2000

1999Prof. J. de Mendoza, EProgram 1999

1998Prof. M. T. Reetz, DProgram 1998

1997Prof. S. V. Ley, UKProgram 1997

1996Prof. F. Diederich, CHProgram 1996

1995Prof. H. Schwarz, DProgram 1995

1994Prof. D. N. Reinhoudt, NLProgram 1994

1993Prof. W. Oppolzer, CHProgram 1993

1992Prof. G. Ourisson, FProgram 1992

1991Prof. H. Ringsdorf, DProgram 1991

1990no ConferenceHotel reconstruction

1989Prof. R. Scheffold, CHProgram 1989

1988Prof. W. N. Speckamp, NLProgram 1988

1987Prof. D. Seebach, CHProgram 1987

1986Prof. E. Winterfeldt, DProgram 1986

1985Prof. M. Julia, FProgram 1985

1984Prof. L. Ghosez, BProgram 1984

1983Prof. Sir Jack E Baldwin, UKProgram 1983

1982Prof. R. Huisgen, DProgram 1982

1981Prof. J. Mathieu, FProgram 1981

1980Prof. J. D. Dunitz, CHProgram 1980

1979Prof. Sir Derek Barton, UKProgram 1979

1978Prof. H. A. Staab, DProgram 1978

1977Prof. P. Pino, CHProgram 1977

1976Prof. Sir Alan R Battersby, UKProgram 1976

1975Prof. J. Dale, NProgram 1975

1974Prof. J. M. Lehn, FProgram 1974

1973Prof. R. H. Martin, BProgram 1973

1972Prof. W. D. Ollis, UKProgram 1972

1971Prof. H. Musso, DProgram 1971

1970Prof. E. Havinga, NLProgram 1970

1969Prof. A. Kjaer, DKProgram 1969

1968Prof. J. Sicher, CZProgram 1968

1967Prof. J. Jacques, FProgram 1967

1966Prof. D. Arigoni, CHProgram 1966

1965Prof. A. S. Dreiding, CHProgram 1965


 The SCS label is granted to this conference by the
 Swiss Chemical Society.



Prof. Erick M. Carreira
ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Symposium Sekretariat

SCS Head Office
+41 31 306 92 92